Treasures in the countryside.
Going across Perugia’s countryside, looking for its treasures, following the five senses through which we communicate with the world around us…
Treasures in the countryside.
Going across Perugia’s countryside, looking for its treasures, following the five senses through which we communicate with the world around us…
Umbria is a region that demands the attention of all your senses: there is plenty to see, smell, taste and hear.
Some smaller villages in the countryside feels like a throwback in time, to when people’s lives were at a slower pace and traffic was not a constant background noise.
Go explore the areas surrounding Perugia and you’ll have yourself an itinerary that will keep you busy for days.
Assisi, Spello, Montefalco, Bevagna, Rasiglia, Spoleto and the Lake Trasimeno area are just a few examples of what Umbria has in store for your visit.
Autostrada A1 Firenze – Roma: da sud uscita Orte e indicazioni per Perugia,
da nord uscita Valdichiana e indicazioni per Perugia
Autostrada A14 Bologna – Taranto: uscita Civitanova Marche,
proseguire per Macerata, Fabriano, Colfiorito, Foligno, Perugia
Giunti a Perugia, da tutte le direzioni, prendere l’uscita di Perugia Prepo e seguire le indicazioni per il centro storico. Vi consigliamo di sostare temporaneamente a Piazza Italia.
Stazione Fontivegge di Perugia:
Autobus di linea per Piazza Italia;
Taxi (radio taxi allo 075 500 48 88);
Minimetrò fermata Pincetto. Per ulteriori informazioni consulta il sito www.ferroviedellostato.it, www.umbriamobilita.it.
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